Our research aims to improve the lives of horses through the production of practical guidance and information to support horse owners and carers, regulators and anyone with a responsibility for the care of horses.  We aim to ensure all horses regardless of their use are considered; from leisure horses to those involved in sport, from working equids to those used in production.  A robust evidence base underpins the breadth of our work, and we achieve this through working in collaboration with research institutions from around the world, as well as other organisations that align with our values and are striving for better horse welfare.

Our research projects

We strive to ensure we undertake research to help tackle the most important welfare issues.

Advancing Equine Scientific Excellence

A collaborative approach between industry, research institutes, colleges and universities aiming to advance scientific excellence.

Successful bursary projects

Some examples of successful bursary research projects funded by World Horse Welfare.

Horses in our hands

Horses in our hands: the welfare challenges facing the UK's equine population.

What is Social Licence to Operate? 

World Horse Welfare and University of Nottingham researchers have recently published a scientific review of the threats to equestrian sport’s social licence to operate (SLO).

Our investigations

We believe the best way to influence change is to have a strong and credible evidence base.

Equine Grass Sickness

We have long been committed to supporting equine grass sickness research.

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