Every year, around 14,500 horses are packed into trucks and driven on needlessly long distances across Europe to slaughter. Some horses travel for days over thousands of miles with little chance to rest, eat or drink. These horses become exhausted, stressed, severely dehydrated and are in pain, and suffer unnecessarily on these journeys. 

With your continued support we have seen positive changes in the way that horses are transported on these long journeys but we still need you to help us to convince the European Commission to introduce a maximum journey limit of 9 to 12 hours, ending the torment caused by these relentless journeys. We also want to see the conditions in which horses travel to slaughter improve. 

If you are in the UK, please check back regularly on how you can Campaign with us and help improve the welfare of horses around the world. 

In Europe, you can write to your Agriculture Minister asking them to support a review of the current regulation EC 1/2005. We are committed to extending this campaign and gaining support from other groups of people through a variety of means.

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Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

It’s happened again. More horses rescued from illegal smuggling.  

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