As a 4 year old Muñeca had poor body condition- he was extremely thin. His harness was old and poorly fitted, rubbing on his bony withers causing wounds. It was difficult to Santos to improve the situation as he could not afford a new harness and had little knowledge of horse management.

How has our project helped?

Santos has been taught basic skills- grooming Muñeca before and after work, cleaning and fitting harness equipment to help reduce the wounds Muñeca gets. He has learnt about feeding Muñeca to improve his condition  

The project also supported Santos in buying new parts to his harness equipment and introduced him to a trained farrier.

Santos now regularly attends the project’s clinics and meetings; he can see the benefit for Muñeca.  

Read more about our work:
Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

It’s happened again. More horses rescued from illegal smuggling.  

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