We know that caring for a horse can be tough, time-consuming work even in normal circumstances, so it can rapidly become even more challenging if the situation changes. Have you considered contingency planning and thinking about who might be able to look after your horses in the event that you are suddenly incapacitated, your health deteriorates, or you become unable to care for them for another reason?

If you’re based in Britain and are struggling now or have concerns about your ability to provide care for your equines in the future, please don’t hesitate to request a support call via our form. We’re always very happy to offer help and advice, and one of our friendly team will do their best to provide suggestions for your particular circumstances. You might also find some helpful tips on our Advice pages.

If you’re hoping to be able to keep your horse despite changing circumstances, our team may be able to offer tips and advice on ways you can make it a bit easier to care for them in your current situation.

However, if you feel that rehoming your horse is the right answer, you could try the Blue Cross Home Direct Scheme, as this can offer more security and peace of mind than selling a horse on to an unknown home. If you’re considering selling your horse, you can find our advice here.

If you’re physically able to care for your horse(s) but are finding things difficult in other ways, perhaps financially or mentally, there are a number of other organisations who may be able to help you. Our Resources Hub has links to organisations that are experienced in supporting people going through challenging times. Please note that we are not affiliated to all of these groups, but they should be able to offer more specialised advice in this area than we can.

If you are under 18

We do need to hear from someone 18 years of age or over in case we need to make contact to clarify any details. If you are under 18 but have concerns, please ask a parent or guardian to contact us on your behalf.

Request a horse-related support call

If you are at least 18 years of age, the situation is in Britain, and it isn’t an emergency, we have a dedicated team who can help advise you on the next steps to take.

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

It’s happened again. More horses rescued from illegal smuggling.  

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