By becoming a Champion Member today, you will be playing a vital role in enabling our work to improve the welfare of horses in the UK and around the world. 

You will receive our latest news and information via our colour newsletter or email, whichever you prefer.  This will be bursting with news, educational advice and tips, rehoming success stories, campaign updates and upcoming event information – everything you need to keep up to date!

Other benefits include invitations to our Members’ Days where you will have an opportunity to meet our grooms and visiting specialists, including our veterinary surgeon and farrier.  Our team are on hand throughout the day to chat about any aspect of our work that might be of interest to you. You can learn more about how your loyal support has made such a positive impact on the work undertaken by World Horse Welfare.

Champion Membership will give you the following benefits

  • World Horse Welfare newsletter three times a year
  • World Horse Welfare lapel badge
  • Invitation to Members Days at our farms

If you would like more information or would like to take out our Champion Membership, please email us at or call our membership team on 01953 497 270.  Our lines are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Support for us and peace of mind for you

Having had ponies as a child and had so much fun I felt strongly that I wanted to become a member and support the organisation.

Recent Member

Your Impact in 2023

Here is how your support helped


Icon for care


Welfare reports taken from the British public


Icon for research


Operations undertaken at four British ports, with enforcement agencies, to gather evidence of the scale of horse movements


Icon for education


People used our educational resources


Icon for influence


Recommendations made to the FEI to improve welfare as part of the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission

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