We work with trusts and foundations to find the opportunity which best meets the charitable objectives of the organisation,either by supporting specific projects or our work helping horses as a whole. 

We will keep you regularly updated with feedback on how your support is making a real difference to the lives of vulnerable horses, through our rescue and rehabilitation work in the UK, our community-based training internationally, or through our campaigns work.  

Owner of a working donkey picking up its foot to check it over
Our projects help working horses, mules and donkeys around the world

We encourage trustees and administrators to visit one of our four UK Rescue and Rehoming Centres to see the impact of their support first-hand.  

To find out more about how to support World Horse Welfare through your charitable organisation, please contact us on +44 (0)1953 497 239 or by email at fundraising@worldhorsewelfare.org.

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

It’s happened again. More horses rescued from illegal smuggling.  

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