

Potential home found
  • Youngster
  • Lancashire
  • Mare
  • 3 years old
  • 11.2hh
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Meet Dawn

Headshot of Calderberry Sparke - white horse with head collar on
Potential home found

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Dawn is ready to rehome as a youngster for handling with the potential to be brought into work as a child's pony once she has reached at least 4 years old. Dawn is a friendly, sociable little filly who enjoys being fussed over and groomed. She is very good to catch, handle, bath, and for the vet and farrier. Dawn is currently living out with shelter, but will happily come into a stable if needed, and adapts well to different routines. She gets on well with others, and will mix with mares and geldings. Dawn doesn't like being left on her own, so it is important she has the company of another equine at all times. She has the potential to be a lovely little lead rein pony in the future for a small child. If you would like to offer Dawn a home, please apply online.

Headshot of Dawn

Important stuff

Dawn could be worked in the future.


Dawn came into Penny Farm as a foal at foot, within a large group after their owner sadly passed away unexpectedly.

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More about Dawn

Breed Welsh Section A
Colour Steel Grey
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter May require stabling for grazing management
Turnout Will mix with mares & geldings
To catch in the field Excellent
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet Unshod, good to trim
Rugs Rug in winter
Behavioural considerations Dawn is a very bright, friendly little pony.
Health considerations None
Bedding Straw or shavings
Rehoming fee(£) 50

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Dawn is at Penny Farm, Lancashire

Potential home found

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Headshot of Dawn
Potential home found

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  • Youngster
  • Penny Farm
  • Mare
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  • 9.3hh
  • Youngster
  • Penny Farm
  • Mare
  • 1 year old
  • 9.3hh
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