

Potential home found
  • Companion
  • Lancashire
  • Gelding
  • 5 years old
  • 12.2hh
Potential home found

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Meet Smithy

Headshot of Calderberry Sparke - white horse with head collar on
Potential home found

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Smithy is ready to find a new home as a non ridden companion. Smithy was completely unhandled on arrival and incredibly scared of any human interaction. His groom has worked very hard to gain his trust and build up his confidence around people. He has come on immensely since arriving with us and has now settled into a good routine. His ideal new home would be a small, private yard with only a few horses. Smithy is better suited to only being out with one or two other geldings, as he can become difficult to catch in a larger herd environment. He thrives on routine and familiarity, so it is important that he will be in a home where he will be handled by the same people (maximum 1 or 2 different people), as he tends to put a lot of his trust into his regular handler. He gets on very well with others, and doesn't mind being left on his own in a stable while another horse is taken out. When in a good routine he is good to catch, groom, and handle, but his new rehomer must be prepared that he will take time to settle somewhere new and will need time to relax into his new home environment. He will be a fantastic companion, and will be a great project for someone wanting to build up a bond with him on the ground. Smithy enjoys doing inhand work such as going over poles and jumps and this would help increase his bond with a new rehomer. He requires a very quiet and calm approach with the vet and farrier. If you can offer Smithy a home, please apply online. Any new rehomer must be aware that you may be required to visit Smithy on a few occasions before going to his new home.

Headshot of Smithy

Important stuff

Smithy can never be ridden or driven.

All equines in our centres are regularly assessed by a team of experts including a vet, physiotherapist and farrier, and these assessments have found that Smithy is not suitable to be worked.


Smithy came into Penny Farm as part of a large case of wild ponies. He was entire, completely unhandled and terrified of human contact.

Additional Images

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More about Smithy

Breed Welsh Mountain Pony
Colour Bay
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter May require stabling for grazing management
Turnout Geldings only
To catch in the field Good with food
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet See horse’s profile for details
Rugs Doesn't need a rug
Behavioural considerations Smithy has a kind nature, but is still wary of new people.
Health considerations None
Bedding Straw or shavings
Rehoming fee(£) 20

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Smithy is at Penny Farm, Lancashire

Potential home found

View other horses from Penny Farm

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Please check our Need Help page for guidance.
Headshot of Smithy
Potential home found

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