• Companion with Potential
  • Norfolk
  • Mare
  • 1 year old
  • 11.1hh
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Meet Mair

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It is really shocking to know this tiny young filly was one of 26 horses crammed into a lorry to be illegally smuggled from the UK. She is only a baby and unbelievable she has gone through so much already at her tender age. Despite everything she is proving to be a bright little thing who is generally good to handle and a quick learner. As Mair is young she can display some excitable behaviour, so it is important she has the right guidance to channel her energy in the best direction. Bad habits are as easily formed as good ones at this age! Mair is a friendly filly in the field, and she gets on well with most in her herd. Mair might have the potential to be brought into work when she is older although this will depend very much on how she develops as she grows. Mair is unlikely to be more than 12.0hh when fully grown as her mother is quite small. If ridden Mair would have a maximum rider weight limit of 4.5 to 5 stones. We are happy for Mair to be rehomed purely as a non-ridden companion for life, but ideally with a person who has previous experience of foals or youngsters.

Headshot of Mair

Important stuff

Mair could be worked in the future.


Mair was one of 26 horses crammed into a lorry to be cruelly and illegally smuggled out of the UK. All the evidence suggests they were being sent for slaughter to Europe.

More about Mair

Breed Welsh Section A
Colour Grey
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter Can live out all year with shelter
Turnout Will mix with mares & geldings
To catch in the field Good
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet Unshod
Rugs Doesn't need a rug
Behavioural considerations Mair is generally good to handle for her age but she is on a steep learning curve.
Health considerations Needs weight monitoring
Bedding Any bedding
Rehoming fee(£) 50

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Mair is at Hall Farm, Norfolk

Do you want to offer Mair a home?

To apply to rehome, add Mair to your virtual stable and then complete our online application form.

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