

Potential home found
  • Companion
  • Norfolk
  • Mare
  • 14 years old
  • 13.2hh
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Meet Foxy

Headshot of Calderberry Sparke - white horse with head collar on
Potential home found

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Foxy was one of 26 equines crammed into a lorry and being illegally smuggled out of the UK. We can only begin to imagine what horrors she endured on that journey, so it is not surprising Foxy is reluctant to be caught now. She is quite a nervous pony and a bit of a worrier. However, once caught she is a sweet pony and generally good to handle. She has been very good for our vet, farrier and equine dentist which all points to her being a sensible pony with a willing nature. Foxy tends to keep herself to herself in the herd although she does get on with others. It is hoped that once she is in a loving home with a regular routine Foxy will overcome her anxiety at being approached when loose in the field and start to relax more. She will be best suited to a small, quiet yard with a sympathetic handler who is prepared to spend time encouraging her to approach humans herself rather than be "caught." Foxy is not suitable to ride but she certainly deserves to be given a second chance as a non-ridden companion.

Headshot of Foxy

Important stuff

Foxy can never be ridden or driven.

All equines in our centres are regularly assessed by a team of experts including a vet, physiotherapist and farrier, and these assessments have found that Foxy is not suitable to be worked.


Foxy was one of 26 horses crammed into a lorry to be cruelly and illegally smuggled out of the UK. All the evidence suggests they were being sent for slaughter to Europe.

More about Foxy

Breed Cob
Colour Piebald
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter Can live out all year with shelter
Turnout Will mix with mares & geldings
To catch in the field Cautious
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet Unshod
Rugs Doesn't need a rug
Behavioural considerations Foxy is a nervous pony and a bit of a worrier
Health considerations Needs weight monitoring
Bedding Any bedding
Rehoming fee(£) 20

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Foxy is at Hall Farm, Norfolk

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Headshot of Foxy
Potential home found

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