• companion icon Companion
  • Location icon Somerset
  • Mare icon Mare
  • Age icon 13 years old
  • Height icon 11.1hh

Meet Jenister Ice Ice Baby

Jenister Ice Ice Baby, or Baby as she is known on the yard, is a quiet, gentle pony looking for a new companion home. She is excellent to handle and gets on well with the mares she lives with but could potentially live with a suitable gelding if introduced carefully. Baby could live out 24/7 or stable part of the time in a routine, however she would need to be able to see her equine friend as she may worry if on her own. To manage her weight and prevent laminitis, she will need to have her grazing restricted and managed carefully. It would be ideal if Baby is rehomed to a home with ponies on the same grazing management. Due to her light eye colouring, Baby wears a fly mask in summer or whenever the weather is bright and will need to continue this in a home and may also need sunblock on her pink nose.

Important stuff

Jenister Ice Ice Baby can never be ridden or driven.

All equines in our centres are regularly assessed by a team of experts including a vet, physiotherapist and farrier, and these assessments have found that Jenister Ice Ice Baby is not suitable to be worked.


Baby came into our care with a large group of horses in February 2022 as their owner was struggling to care for them. She was successfully rehomed and only returned due to a change in circumstances.

Additional Images

Additional image of Jenister Ice Ice Baby

More about Jenister Ice Ice Baby

Breed Welsh Section B
Colour Cream
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter Can live out all year with shelter
Turnout Will mix with mares & geldings
To catch in the field Excellent
Hay/Feed No additional feed required
Feet Unshod, good to trim
Rugs Will require fly mask as season dictates
Behavioural considerations Friendly and good to handle.
Health considerations Requires sun block/ face mask
Bedding Any bedding
Rehoming fee(£) 20

Did you know?

In 2024 we rehomed 304 horses - will you help us give more neglected horses a second chance? Donate today.

Jenister Ice Ice Baby is at Glenda Spooner Farm, Somerset

Glenda Spooner Farm is located on Brincil Hill, between the B3151 and the A372, just outside of Kingsdon, Somerset, TA11 7LA.

Do you want to offer Jenister Ice Ice Baby a home?

To apply to rehome, add Jenister Ice Ice Baby to your virtual stable and then complete our online application form.


Need help?

If you have any further questions or need guidance with our rehoming scheme please visit our help centre.

Why rehome from from World Horse Welfare

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  • Somerset
  • Mare
  • 10 years old
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  • Somerset
  • Mare
  • 7 years old
  • 13.0hh

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