Badenscoth Fergal Finn

Badenscoth Fergal Finn

Horse rehomed
  • Companion
  • Aberdeenshire
  • Gelding
  • 18 years old
  • 8.2hh
Horse rehomed

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Meet Badenscoth Fergal Finn

Headshot of Calderberry Sparke - white horse with head collar on
Horse rehomed

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Fergal is an adorable little Shetland with a big character. Fergal came into Belwade Farm with another Shetland pony called Wanda and we are looking for a home where they can stay together as they love each other to pieces. Fergal never leaves Wanda’s side and is quite protective of his wee pal. He is the more independent of the pair and requires a little bit of feed to catch on occasion; Fergal can come across a little shy to begin with but soon settles in and his larger than life character appears. Don’t let his size fool you as he needs an experienced handler at times, and he sometimes likes his own space. Fergal will require a home where he is handled regularly so that his training is regularly reinforced. He had very overgrown feet on arrival and has suffered from laminitis in the past so managing his condition and grazing is essential to keep him comfortable. Fergal will stand for the vet and farrier but is never very keen so will require patient handling. He is only suitable to live with other small ponies due to his grazing requirements, and larger ponies also make him quite worried. If you could offer Fergal and his best friend Wanda a new home, please apply online.

Headshot of Badenscoth Fergal Finn

Important stuff

Badenscoth Fergal Finn can never be ridden or driven.

All equines in our centres are regularly assessed by a team of experts including a vet, physiotherapist and farrier, and these assessments have found that Badenscoth Fergal Finn is not suitable to be worked.


Fergal came into World Horse Welfare care in October 2021 with one other Shetland.

Additional Images

Additional image of Badenscoth Fergal Finn

More about Badenscoth Fergal Finn

Breed Shetland
Colour Black
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter Can live out all year with shelter
Turnout Will mix with mares & geldings
To catch in the field Good with food
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet See horse’s profile for details
Rugs Doesn't need a rug
Behavioural considerations Fergal is a wee bundle of fun who is an independent character.
Health considerations History of laminitis
Bedding Straw or shavings
Rehoming fee(£) 20

? Did you know

In 2022 we rehomed 323 horses - will you help us give more neglected horses a second chance? Donate today.

Badenscoth Fergal Finn is at Belwade Farm, Aberdeenshire


Need help?

If you have any further questions or need guidance with our rehoming scheme please visit our Help Centre.

Please check our Need Help page for guidance.
Headshot of Badenscoth Fergal Finn
Horse rehomed

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