• companion icon Companion
  • Location icon Somerset
  • Mare icon Mare
  • Age icon 19 years old
  • Height icon 13.3hh

Meet Ciffig Seren

Seren is ready to find a home as a non ridden companion. She is good to handle, loves being groomed and forms a strong bond with her handler, looking to them for reassurance, should she be unsure of anything. The ideal home for Seren would be a quiet yard with horses to graze with and a constant companion on the same management, as she does require restricted grazing. She has lots of love to give and would make a lovely companion to ponies and humans alike. She has been stabled for short periods but is more settled living out or having access to open shelter.

Important stuff

Ciffig Seren can never be ridden or driven.

All equines in our centres are regularly assessed by a team of experts including a vet, physiotherapist and farrier, and these assessments have found that Ciffig Seren is not suitable to be worked.


Seren came to Glenda Spooner Farm in October 2016 from a Welsh stud with a youngster mare and 3 colts after their owner sadly died. She was unhandled and had not seen much of life.

More about Ciffig Seren

Breed Welsh Cob
Colour Black
Type Pony
Stabling/Shelter Can live out all year with shelter
Turnout Will Mix With Mares
To catch in the field Excellent
Hay/Feed Hay during the winter
Feet Unshod, good to trim
Rugs Doesn't need a rug
Behavioural considerations Seren is very good to handle and loves attention. If she is unsure about something she does become anxious.
Health considerations None
Bedding Straw or shavings
Rehoming fee(£) 20

Did you know?

In 2024 we rehomed 304 horses - will you help us give more neglected horses a second chance? Donate today.

Ciffig Seren is at Glenda Spooner Farm, Somerset

Glenda Spooner Farm is located on Brincil Hill, between the B3151 and the A372, just outside of Kingsdon, Somerset, TA11 7LA.

Do you want to offer Ciffig Seren a home?

To apply to rehome, add Ciffig Seren to your virtual stable and then complete our online application form.


Need help?

If you have any further questions or need guidance with our rehoming scheme please visit our help centre.

Why rehome from from World Horse Welfare

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