World Horse Welfare’s Glenda Spooner Farm to host first official visit for people with dementia

The charity's Glenda Spooner Farm has become a Purple Angel Dementia Awareness Accredited Centre and is set to host the first visit soon.

Posted on 20/09/2019

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When: 25 September 2019 at 11:00am

Where: Glenda Spooner Farm, Brincil Hill, Kingsdon Somerset TA11 7LA

What: Glenda Spooner Farm has become a Purple Angel Dementia Awareness Accredited Centre and will be welcoming three visitors with dementia to give them a chance to see and interact with some of their rescued horses and ponies.

World Horse Welfare’s Glenda Spooner Farm in Somerset has recently achieved Purple Angel Dementia Awareness accreditation. Enthusiastic staff members have all received dementia aware certificates and are now looking forward to welcoming their first set of visitors to the farm on 25 September.

Three residents from Immacolata house care home in Langport will be coming to the Farm to enjoy visiting some of the 80 horses and ponies in the charity’s care. They will be able to groom them if they wish to and hear some of the wonderful rescue stories. They can also explore some of the visitor tracks on the farm’s 220 acres of unspoilt countryside and take in the visitor centre and café.

“We are very proud to have achieved our accreditation and are very excited about the visit. It’s so lovely to see the pleasure and positive impact that horses can bring. One of the visitors has already been joining us for some pony grooming sessions that we run in the school holidays for local children. He has such a strong desire such to be near a horse, and he has remembered participating which is such a great outcome for someone with this stage of dementia.”

Sally Page, World Horse Welfare Centre Promotions Officer

Purple Angel was set up by Norman McNamara, a resident of Torbay, Devon in 2012. Norms was diagnosed with dementia at just 50 years of age and aims to change the way people see dementia. Purple Angel now has more than 1200 ambassadors worldwide, all with their own teams of volunteers and is recognised in 57 countries globally.

“It has been both an honour and a pleasure working with all at Glenda Spooner Farm raising awareness of dementia and we hope this partnership will flourish and spread worldwide.”

Norms McNamara, Purple Angel Founder

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