RehomingUK Rescue

Life beyond rescue: Goose and Cancan

Do you remember this delightful duo?

Posted on 28/02/2025

Birth of first foal from rescued ‘smuggled’ Dover 26 horses

The delightful duo, Goose and Cancan, were the stars of our winter appeal back in 2023, together with Goose’s mum Moose. The tale of Moose raising orphaned Cancan alongside her own foal Goose, despite her terrible start in life, touched many hearts. Moose was rehomed last year, and we are now thrilled to let you know that Goose and Cancan have found a wonderful, loving new home – together! 

A black and grey horse stands with a black and grey foal either side of her in a stable carpeted in straw.
Moose, Goose and Cancan at Hall Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre.

The future is certainly bright for the pair who are settling in well with their rehomer, who said:

“They are both such wonderful ponies and they have brought us so much joy and happiness. We discovered Goose is a water baby, from day one he climbed in the water tub, so we bought him a paddling pool! Cancan has his own interests and particularly likes playing football with his purple treat ball. 

“They soon became more familiar with us and the rest of our herd and we think Brandy, our retired 32-year-old Dartmoor mare, sensed Cancan had lost his mum as she stands and watches over them both when they lie down in the field to sleep and is always there to show them how to behave. 

“They have made our little herd complete. They started their hard lives together, and they will stay together with us where they will be protected, loved and cherished forever.”  

We look forward to hearing how Goose and Cancan get on in the future, all thanks to our supporters.

Urgent Appeal for trafficked horses  

It’s happened again. More horses rescued from illegal smuggling.  


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