Blog: get an inside view on World Horse Welfare through our posts

Plan for an emergency when you’re not around – help us to help your horse
Deputy Chief Field Officer Jon Phipps has top tips for owners on making plans just in case your horse injures themselves when you’re not there.

How to help a needle-shy horse overcome their fear
Grooms Amy and Emily explain how they work with horses who are nervous with needles before a visit from the vet.

Buena’s story – how our foals are cared for from birth to rehoming
Senior Groom Steph introduces lovely filly Buena and explains how the team care for foals from birth right through to finding them a loving home for youngster handling.

What does biosecurity mean and how do you quarantine a new horse?
Research and Education Officer Alana Chapman shares simple steps you can take to prevent an outbreak of disease on your yard.

Top tips and practical advice on managing your horse’s weight to keep them healthy
Assistant Centre Manager Sara Jerman explains practical ways to manage your horse’s nutritional intake and keep them at a healthy weight.

Preparation and practice: key aspects to loading and travelling your horse safely
Research and Education Officer Alana Chapman shares expert advice on how to give your horse the best chance of loading and travelling safely and calmly.

Bringing horses back into work: how to restart youngsters, progress a horse’s rehab or get an all-rounder fit
Want to find out more about bringing horses back into work? Check out expert advice from Adam Cummins, Centre Manager at Penny Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre.

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a World Horse Welfare groom is like? Read on to find out!
Groom Lauren has been a member of the Penny Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre since 2015 – find out how her day pans out during lockdown.

Sweet itch: what is it and how do we manage our ponies who have it?
Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre Assistant Centre Manager Sara Jerman explains more.

Can you cut the costs of horse ownership without compromising on their care?
Chief Field Officer Claire Gordon looks at ways to cut costs without compromising on care.