Understanding our horses’ behaviour and how they learn

with Gemma Pearson and Claire Dickie

In this webinar we welcomed vet and equine behaviourist, Gemma Pearson who explained how we can better understand our horses’ behaviour and interpret what they’re trying to tell us. Gemma shared some of the science around how horses take on information and learn, as well as examples of horses she has worked with throughout her career. She explained some of the common challenges that owners may experience when trying to train their horse and how best to approach these issues. 

Gemma was joined by our Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre Manager Claire Dickie, who shared case studies of some of the horses who have come into our care and provide practical examples of how she and her team have approached these more challenging cases. 

By understanding how horses learn and how best to overcome behavioural challenges our teams have given thousands of horses the chance to find a loving home of their own, which ultimately allows us to help even more horses in need. 

Here’s the links Gemma referenced:

The Animal Behaviour and Training Council – https://abtc.org.uk/
International Society for Equitation Science – https://www.equitationscience.com/

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