***Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control we will not be accepting any work experience applications for our Hall Farm site at Snetterton for 2025.***
We offer work experience placements to students and individuals who are genuinely interested in following a career in the equine industry or charitable work. Placements are available at all four Rescue and Rehoming centres located in Norfolk, Somerset, Lancashire, and Aberdeenshire.
This is a very popular scheme and places are limited.
Rescue and Rehoming Centre placements
For placements working with the equine teams you are required to have the following clothing:
- Steel toe-capped boots or wellingtons. You will not be permitted on the yard without these.
- Current BSI standard riding hat
- Jodhpurs, tracksuit bottoms or loose-fitting trousers
- Riding gloves
- Wet weather gear
Please note that jewellery, obvious make-up and the wearing of perfume is not permitted on any yard.
For further information about our work experience scheme please call Kirsten Cooke on 01953 497232 or email kirstencooke@worldhorsewelfare.org.
Download the application form for work experience at one of our Rescue and Rehoming Centres.